Welcome to Inclusive Learning at Caloundra State High School
The Inclusive Learning offers support for students with a disability. Our aim is to provide a well-rounded education meeting Queensland and Australian Education standards.
Our Special Education Program is housed in dedicated spaces across three buildings: The Flexible Learning Centre (F Block), Lighthouse (LHC Block), and N Block's southern end.
We also have a dedicated Inclusive Learning Lunch area. Students have the option of spending their lunchtimes in the main school grounds or to come to the Inclusive Learning area. The Inclusive Learning area is a safe and supportive environment for our students, and is supervised by special education teachers. In this area, students have the opportunity to play hand ball, spend time talking with their friends, complete homework or catch up on work.
Curriculum Offerings
Years 7 - 10: Australian National Curriculum with support in mainstream or Inclusive Learning classes. Electives include The Arts and Technology.
Years 11 & 12: Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) in mainstream or individualized curriculum for Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA). Subjects include Functional Mathematics, Functional English, and Social and Communities Studies.
Within each program area the curriculum is planned and implemented to meet student needs as defined by Individual Education Plans.
Study Support
Study Support for Inclusive Learning students starts at 8:00am every day at the end of N Block near the Lighthouse Centre. Teacher aides will work with the students to complete homework and assessment. There is also a second study support commencing at 8:00am in the library.
Specialised Programs
Caloundra Friends Years 9 & 11 & 12 QCIA Students
The Caloundra Friends program is a weekly program that provides students with opportunities to learn about volunteering, active citizenship, work ethics and workplace health and safety.
The students engage with the elderly and severely disabled through socialising and by supporting them to complete games and activities.
They also get the opportunity to learn about food and hygiene in an industrial kitchen setting.

Caloundra SHS offers students the opportunity to participate in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program.
In the kitchen and in the garden students discover ideas and concepts first-hand, through real-life experience.
While working in the garden students will be focused on STEM ways of working which include collaboration, communication, critical thinking, creativity, citizenship and character.
Students get actively involved supporting the community by volunteering their time with BushCare Sunshine Coast to conserve and restore our natural bushland in council’s environment reserves. It is a great way for our students to make a positive impact on the environment, meet new people, stay healthy and active, learn new skills and connect with nature.
For further information please contact the Head of Special Education Services on