
Frequently asked questions


​Do I need to buy a laptop?  Junior secondary students require a device that are able to be connected wirelessly to the network so as to access the internet for research, connecting to online classrooms and web based applications for literacy and numeracy etc.  (For all Year 7, 8 & 9 students) but our minimum specifications are for a laptop or iPad/tablet device, either of these devices will be sufficient.

Do I need to purchase Microsoft Office products to have on the laptop for my child?  As part of Education Queensland's Microsoft Agreement students are able to log in and access Office 365 by using their school username and password. 
Instructions available on The Learning Place External link.

What about other specialist software?  Where available the school has purchased software that is able to be installed on a student’s BYO device, or are web or cloud based or has a freeware option that students are able to download and use. Teachers will supply these details to the students as required.

We have an older machine that has specifications lower than those advertised; will it do for my student to start the year with?  Yes if you would prefer your student try an older machine to see if it meets their needs they can try to connect it to the network, but there is no guarantee that it will work.

I have taken the specifications to a local retailer and they are trying to sell me a machine for over $1000.  I also have experienced this, but do not let the retailers add extras that may not be required.  If your student's course of study doesn’t require them to do video or graphic design, a standard machine is suitable. Even if they are doing these subjects, students will have access to computer labs at school, so a higher specification machine would only be necessary for homework activities.

I can’t afford to buy a laptop outright at this point in time, what can I do so that my child doesn’t miss out?  In order to address this issue we have significantly reduced fees to cater for the increased cost to students who need to bring their own electronic device (BYOD). (Some electives still have user pays fees attached for materials used for take home projects).  By changing the way the scheme is charged to parents, this will assist in offsetting some of the costs involved. 

What about security of my student’s belongings?  There are a limited number of student lockers that are available for hire.  The finance section of the school can assist if you would like further information to  access to this facility.

What happens if my student drops their machine and breaks something?  Students do bring their devices to school at their own risk.  It is recommended that you may wish to investigate accidental damage insurance.  Many of the companies that offer hire of equipment also support this with accidental insurance, or product protection. Please make sure you read the information clearly to understand what they offer and what may be present or missing in their agreements.

What if the laptop needs to be returned to place of purchase for (hardware or software) repair?  If your child is able to bring an alternative device to use for that period that would be preferable, but the school has computer labs and computers for student use in the Resource Centre during break times.

Will the school technicians help with software or minor hardware issues?  Unfortunately, the school technical staff are unable to help with personal devices. They will assist with connecting the student devices to the school network, maintaining the student’s school account and installing/accessing software that the school has purchased for BYO devices.

What computer do you recommend we buy for our student?  Unfortunately we are unable to make a specific recommendation other then what specifications of machines are able to connect to the hardware that we have available at school.

Last reviewed 15 March 2024
Last updated 15 March 2024