Caloundra State High Sch
ool is a school of the future, where students are engaged in learning in both traditional and digital environments.
As 21st Century learners, students are required to have their own internet-enabled, wireless device that is brought to class every day in the same way that students are expected to be prepared for school by bringing exercise books and writing equipment. Classroom learning is planned on the assumption that your child has this device with them at all times.
While at school, students must connect to Education Queensland's filtered and monitored high-speed wireless network. It is expected that students also have access to the internet at home so that they may complete homework and assignment research.
Students are responsible for the good order and security of their devices at all times and this is part of learning to be a digital citizen. Caloundra Stat High School accepts no responsibility for damage, loss or theft of electronic devices and we recommend that you consider taking out accidental damage insurance cover for these devices. Lockers are available for hire from the Finance Office.
We look forward to working in partnership with parents to develop confident, creative digital thinkers.
Below are documents that are available to our parents/guardians and students about the program at Caloundra SHS.
Innovative teaching and learning in Caloundra State High School that will prepare students for further education, training and to live and work in a digital world.