


At Caloundra SHS we take pride in a rich history of sporting involvement and success. Past students have gone on to achieve national level selection in a variety of sports. Our sport program is divided into in school competitions and extra-curricular competitions.

In school competitions take place within school hours (i.e. 9am-3pm Monday to Friday). These competitions include District Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics carnivals. A squad of athletes for each of these events is selected at our school inter-house carnivals. Students then compete against other schools at the district carnivals.  Our three annual school inter-house carnivals are Swimming (February), Cross Country (March) and Athletics (June). 

Caloundra State High School has four sports houses. House colours and mascots are described below: 

Caloundra SHS is also involved in the Coastal District Interschool Sport Competition. This competition involves students in Years 7 & 8.  Students play at various venues across the district against local schools. 

Interschool Sport afternoons are Wednesdays for Year 8 and Thursdays for Year 7. 

Students participate in two seasons of sport each year as follows:

Summer Sport:  Year 7 Term 1 and Year 8 Term 4. 

Sports may include basketball, cricket, softball, tennis, touch. 

Winter Sport: Year 8 Term 2 and Year 7 Term 3. 
Sports may include AFL, netball, rugby league, soccer, volleyball.

Teams are formed based on student interest and staff expertise.
Extra curricular competitions occur outside school hours. Caloundra SHS offers students the opportunity to play in AFL, basketball, netball and volleyball competitions.

When competing against other schools, Caloundra High’s mascot is the Seahawk.

Students may trial to be part of Sunshine Coast Schools district and regional representative teams in the following sports: AFL, baseball, basketball, cricket, football, golf, hockey, netball, rugby league, rugby union, softball, surfing, tennis, touch, triathlon, volleyball, water polo. 
Trial dates and venues can be found at the Sunshine Coast Region School Sport  External linkwebsite.

Caloundra State High School offers Sports Programs of Excellence in Volleyball, Rugby League and Surf Sports.  For further details of each program, please click on the program’s logo below.
 Rugby league logoSurf sports logoVolleyball logo 
Last reviewed 11 February 2025
Last updated 11 February 2025