Individualised assessment planners for Years 7 to 12 are available via students’ OneSchool login (using their regular login and password). This will give a customised planner for the student.
If the URL icon has been removed from the students' desktop on their laptop or accessed from another computer, type in
Please note that an authentication window will appear if logging in off the school network. Students will need to type in their regular Logon ID and Password.
OneSchool Assessment Planner Instructions Sheet (PDF, 378KB)
Have you missed an assessment item for reasons outside your control? Do you have a long-term condition that may require you to have adjustments to your assessment items?
You may be eligible for an AARA (Year 11/12) or an Assessment Adjustment (Year 10)
These processes differ significantly between Year 10 and Senior Secondary, Years 11 and 12.
Please follow the links on the side of this page to submit your application.
Please see the Year 10 Assessment Adjustment Process Flow Chart - Students & Parents
Year 10 Assessment Adjustment Application Form
Application forms should be sent to:
Please see the process for applying for an AARA
AARA Application form
Application forms should be sent to:
QCAA AARA Medical Report.docx
QCAA AARA Student Statement.docx
QCAA School Statement IM External Exams.docx - for Units 3/4 only