Our school is now a phone-free school for students, where wellbeing and learning remain our priorities. We have partnered with Yondr to achieve this https://www.overyondr.com/howitworks .
Students are to lock their phone in their pouch as they enter school grounds and place the pouch in their bag for the day. At the end of the day students use magnets attached to the outside of the school fence to unlock their pouch.![]()

Frequently asked questions:
What happens if my child never brings a phone to school?
All students have a pouch as part of the dress code. They should bring their empty pouch to school each day.
Can students use phone up until their first class?
Phones must be locked in pouches at all times inside the school fence .
What if I need to contact my child?
You can message them but they will not be able to read the message until 3pm. In emergencies, call the office on 5436 8444.
What if my child loses or damages their pouch?
They will be issued with a new pouch ($15 invoice to parent)
How can tuckshop be paid for?
Cash, card or use the QKR! App to pre-order before school and beat the queue.
My child needs to be able to contact their employer to accept shifts, how can this be done?
Employers should not be contacting school students during the school day, however students can inform their employer to use alternative methods (email, messaging apps available on a laptop). Ms Wicks is working with the Caloundra Chamber of Commerce to keep employers up to date.