Music can motivate, inspire and enrich the lives of all students. It fosters creative and expressive communication. Students participate in music learning individually and collectively as listeners, composers and performers.
Junior Music
Junior Music can be elected as an area of study by students in Years 7 and/or 8 for one term as part of their Arts Electives. Junior Music aims to develop students:
- confidence to be creative, innovative, thoughtful, skilful and informed musicians
- knowledge and skills for listening with intent and purpose, composing and performing
- aesthetic knowledge and respect for music and music practices across global communities, cultures and musical traditions
- understanding of music as an aural art form as they acquire skills to become independent music learners.
Junior Music students explore music through the following units and assessment tasks:
7 Music
| Film, Music & TV | - Analytical Film Response
- Film Composition
8 Music
| Popular Music
| - Music Critique
- Band Performance
We encourage students who are interested in pursuing Music as a subject in Years 9 and 10 to learn more about our Music Extension Signature Program and consider auditioning for a place in the program.
Senior Music
Music is a General subject that can contribute to an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) and can provide up to four Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) credits. A course of study in Music can establish a basis for further education and employment in the fields of arts administration, communication, education, creative industries, public relations, science and technology. The study of Music helps develop creative and critical thinking, collaboration, ICT skills, social/personal skills and communication – all of which are sought after in modern workplaces.
To study Year 11/12 Music, it is recommended that students are proficient on an instrument/voice, can read music (notation, TAB, etc.) and have achieved a B in Year 10 Music Extension. Throughout the two-year course of study, students progress through the following units:
11 Music
| 1 - Design
| - FA1 - Performance
- FA2 - Composition
| 2 - Identities
| - FA3 - Integrated Project
- FA4 - Written Examination
12 Music
| 3 - Innovations
| - IA1 - Performance (20%)
- IA2 - Composition (20%)
| 4 - Narratives
| - IA3 - Integrated Project (35%)
- EA4 - Written Examination (25%)
Senior Music students have the opportunity to perform at several school and community events. They can participate in our extra-curricular music activities and engage in enrichment activities, such as workshops and viewing of professional performances.